Contexts Publications, Books, and Reports.
Contexts Publications, Books, and Reports.
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Annual Report: Contexts
Contexts is the Haffenreffer Museum's Annual Report highlighting events, research projects, student projects, educational programs, recent acquisitions, and more.
The Museum's staff have produced many books, articles, and research reports through the years. Many can be downloaded electronically. Below is our list of publications and links to their electronic copies, when available.
Circumpolar Lab Research Reports
- No.1 Gilsbakki in Hvítársíða, Western Iceland Preliminary Report of Investigations
- No.2 Preliminary Textile Report - Gá́sir, Iceland
- No.3 Preliminary Textile Report - Möðruvellir, Iceland
- No.4 Preliminary Textile Report from the 1988 Bessastaðir Excavations
- No.5 Hallmundarhellir Cave: Report of Investigations, 2017
Research Publications
Anderson, Wanni W. and Douglas D. Anderson. Iñupiat by the Sii: Historical Ethnography and the Arctic Challenges. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks.
Anderson, Douglas D. The Iñupiat of Northwest Alaska over the Past Millennium. Tuscaloosa:Borgo Publishing.
Fenn, Thomas R., Laure Dussubieux, Heather Walder, and Douglas D. Anderson. Glass Beads and Evidence for Early “Pre-Contact” Trade in Northwestern Alaska. In Glass Bead Technology, Chronology, and Exchange: LA-ICP- MS Glass Compositions from the Field Museum’s Elemental Analysis Facility. Studies in Archaeological Sciences Series. Leuven University Press, Leuven, Belgium.
Smith, Kevin P., Guðmundur Ólafsson, and Álbína Hulda Pálsdóttir. “Responses to catastrophic volcanism in Viking Age Iceland: Reconsidering Surtshellir Cave through Bayesian analysis of AMS and tephrochronological dates.” Journal of Archaeological Science 126C: 105316.
Smith, Kevin P., Guðmundur Ólafsson, Albína Hulda Pálsdóttir, and Magnús A. Sigurðsson. “Hallmundarhelir – Víggirtur hellir frá Sturlungaöld.” (Hallmundarhellir – a fortified cave from the Age of the Sturlungs.) Árbók hins Íslenska Fornleifafélags 2021. (In press)
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. The Valkyries Loom, The Archaeology of Cloth Production and Female Power in the North Atlantic, University Press Florida.
Aguilar, Joseph and Robert W. Preucel. “Seeking Strength and Protection: Tewa Mobility during the Pueblo Revolt Period.” In The Continuous Path: Pueblo Movement and the Archaeology of Being, edited by Samuel Duwe and Robert Preucel, pp. 164-179. Amerind Foundation, University of Arizona Press, Tuscon.
Anderson Douglas D. and Wanni W. Anderson. Life at Swift Water Place: Northwest Alaska at the Threshold of European Contact. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press. Chapters include:
Anderson, Douglas D.and Bruce J. Lutz. The Archaeology of Swift Water Place, pp. 1-68
Anderson, Douglas D and Wanni W. Anderson. Northwest Alaskan Iñupiaq Historiography, pp. 279–294
Ditchfield, Peter W., Thomas M. Urban, and Douglas D. Anderson. Stable Isotopic Dietary Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains from Swift Water Place, p 223-238.
Anderson, Wanni W. Triangulating Oral History, Archaeology, and Geophysics at Swift Water Place, pp. 257-278
Anderson, Douglas D. and Wanni W. Anderson. Northwest Alaska Inupiaq Historiography, pp. 279-294
Duwe, Samuel and Robert W. Preucel (editors). The Continuous Path: Pueblo Movement and the Archaeology of Being. Amerind Foundation, University of Arizona Press, Tucson (winner of the Historical Society of New Mexico’s Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá Award).
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Rumpelstiltskin’s Feat: Cloth and Hanseatic trade with Iceland.” In German Trade in the North Atlantic c 1400-1700: Interdisciplinary Studies, edited by Natascha Mehler and Mark Gardner and Endre Elvestad; AmS-Skrifter 27, 107-120. Arkeologisk Museum University of Stavanger. DOI:
Hayeur Smith, Michèle, Kevin P. Smith, and Karin M. Frei. “Tangled up in Blue: a case study of death, dress, and identity for an early Viking Age female settler from Ketilsstaðir, Iceland.” Medieval Archaeology 63(1): 95-127. DOI: 10.1080/00766097.2019.1589816
Preucel, Robert W. “Arkeolojik Göstergebilim.” In Arkeoloji ve Göstergebilim, edited by Yasar Ersoy, Elif Koparal, Günes Duru and Zeynep Aktüre, pp. 3-20. Tematik Arkeoloji Serisi 3, Yavinlari, Istanbul.
Preucel, Robert W. and Samuel Duwe. “Introduction: Engaging with Pueblo Movement.” In The Continuous Path: Pueblo Movement and the Archaeology of Being, edited by Samuel Duwe and Robert Preucel, pp. 15-47. Amerind Foundation, University of Arizona Press, Tuscon.
Dillon, James T., Samantha J. Lash, Jaiju Zhao, Kevin P. Smith, Peter van Dommelen, Andrew K. Scherer, and Yongsong Huang Smith. “Bacterial tetraether lipids in ancient bones record past climate conditions at the time of disposal.” Journal of Archaeological Science 96: 45-56.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Vaðmál and Cloth Currency in Viking Age and Medieval Iceland”. In Silver, Butter, Copper, Cloth: Currencies and Value in the Viking Age, edited by Jane Kershaw, Williams Gareth, Søren Sinbaek, and James Graham-Campbell, pp. 251-277. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle, Gavin Lucas, and Quita Mould. “Men in Black, Performing Masculinity in 17th and 18th century Iceland.” Journal of Social Archaeology 19(2): 229-254.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle, Kevin P. Smith, and Gørill Nilsen. “Dorset, Norse, or Thule? – Technological transfers, marine mammal contamination, and AMS dating of spun yarn and textiles from the eastern Canadian Arctic.” Journal of Archaeological Science 96: 162-174.
Liebmann, Matthew, Robert W. Preucel, and Joseph Aguilar. “The Pueblo World Transformed: Alliances, Factionalism, and Animosities in the Northern Rio Grande, 1680-1700.” In New Mexico and the Primería Alta, edited by John G. Douglass and William M. Graves, pp. 173-197. University of Press of Colorado, Boulder. Winner of the 2017 Arizona Literary Award (Published Nonfiction), Finalist for the 2017 New Mexico-Arizona Book Award.
Preucel, Robert W. and Joseph Aguilar . “Mesa Villages of the Pueblo Revolt Period: Reconstructing Pueblo Alliances and Social Networks.” In Puebloan Societies: Cultural Homologies in Time, edited by Peter Whiteley, pp. 207-236. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Sinding, Mikkel-Holger, Filipe Vieira, M. Hayeur Smith. “Unmatched DNA preservation prove arctic hare and sheep wool in Norse Greenlandic textiles from ‘The Farm Beneath the Sand.’” Journal of Archaeological Science–Reports 14: 603-608.
Walser, Joseph W., III, Tina Jacob, Michele Hayeur Smith, Julia Tubman, Freyja H. Ómarsdóttir, Sandra Sif Einarsdóttir, Kevin P. Smith, Janet Montgomery, Steinunn J. Kritsjánsdóttir, Sigríður S. Ebenesersdóttir, and Karen Frei. “The woman in blue: using modern analytical methods to investigate a Viking Age burial from Iceland.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159(S62): 327.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Ethnicity and Cultural Influence in Dress from Scandinavia and the North Atlantic,” in Medieval Volume I, Berg Culture History of Fashion, edited by Sarah Grace Heller; Berg Publishing, Oxford.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Textiles, wool, and hair.” In Reykholt: The Church Excavations, edited by Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir, pp. 139-150. Reykjavík and Reykholt, Iceland: National Museum of Iceland, Snorrastofa, and University of Iceland Press.
Hayeur Smith, Jette Arneborg, and Kevin P. Smith. “The "Burgundian" Hat from Herjolfsnes, Greenland: new discoveries, new dates.” Danish Journal of Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/21662282.2016.1151615
Smith, Kevin P. “The Colour of Belief: Objects of Jasper, Opal, Chalcedony, and Obsidian from the excavation of Reykholt's Churches.” In Reykholt: The Church Excavations, edited by Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir, pp. 230-242. Reykjavík and Reykholt, Iceland: National Museum of Iceland, Snorrastofa, and University of Iceland Press.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Weaving wealth: Cloth and trade in Viking Age and medieval Iceland.” In Textiles and the Medieval Economy: Production, Trade, and Consumption of Textiles, 8th–16th Centuries, edited by Angela Ling Huang, and Carsten Jahnke (Ancient Textile Series, Vol 16), pp. 23-40. Oxford, Oxbow Books.
Preucel, Robert W. “Shotridge in Philadelphia: Representing Native Alaskan Peoples to East Coast Audiences.” In Sharing Our Knowledge: The Tlingit and their Coastal Neighbors, edited by Sergei Kan with Steve Hendrickson, pp. 41-62. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
Preucel, Robert W. and Regis Pecos. “Place: Cochiti Pueblo, Core Values and Authorized Heritage Discourse.” In Heritage Keywords: Rhetoric and Redescription in Cultural Heritage, edited by Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels and Trinidad Rico, pp. 221-241. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Smith, Kevin P. “Aldursgreining Ketilsstaðakumlsins/Dating of the Ketilsstaðir grave.” In Bláklædda Konan – Ný Rannsókn á Fornu Kumli/Bundled-Up in Blue – The Re-Investigation of a Viking Grave (Rit Þjóðminjasafns Íslands 38), edited by Bryndís Sverrisdóttir, pp. 38-41. Reykjavík: Þjóðminjasafn Íslands/National Museum of Iceland.
Smith, Kevin P. “First Survey, First Steps—the Beginning of the Karluk Archaeological Project.” In Kal’unek – From Karluk: Kodiak Alutiiq History and the Archaeology of the Karluk One Village Site, edited by Amy Steffian, Marnie Leist, Sven Haakanson, and Patrick Saltonstall, pp. 33-35. Kodiak and Fairbanks, AK: Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository and University of Alaska Press.
Walser, Joe W. III, Julia Tubman, Michèle Hayeur Smith, Kevin P. Smith, Sandra Síf Einarsdóttir (Bryndís Sverrisdóttir, editor) Bláklædda Konan – Ný Rannsókn á Fornu Kumli/Bundled Up in Blue – the Re-Investigation of a Viking Grave. Rit Þjóðminjasafns Íslands 38. Reykjavík: National Museum of Iceland/Þjóðminjasafn Íslands.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Dress, Cloth and the Farmer's Wife: Textiles from Ø172 Tatsipataa, Greenland with Comparative Data from Iceland.” Journal of the North Atlantic, Special Volume 6 (2014): 64–81.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Thorir's Bargain: Gender, vaðmal, and the law”. In The Archaeology of Legal Culture, edited by A. Reynolds and K.P. Smith. World Archaeology 45(5): 730-746.
Preucel, Robert W. “Structuralism and its Archaeological Legacy.” Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Theory, edited by Andrew Gardner, Mark Lake and Ulrike Sommer, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Reynolds, Andrew and Kevin P. Smith. The Archaeology of Legal Culture, edited by Andrew Reynolds and Kevin P. Smith. World Archaeology 45(4).
Smith, Kevin P. and Andrew Reynolds. “Introduction: The Archaeology of Legal Culture.” World Archaeology 45(4): 687-698.
Aguilar, Joseph R. and Robert W. Preucel. “Sacred Mesas: Pueblo Time, Space, and History in the Aftermath of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.” In The Death of Prehistory, edited by Peter Schmidt and Stephen A. Mrozowski. pp. 267-289. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “‘Some in Rags and Some in Jags and Some in Silken Gowns’: Textiles from Iceland’s Early Modern Period." International Journal of Historic Archaeology 16(3): 509-528. DOI: 10.1007/s10761-012-0190-1.
Smith, Kevin P., Nina Hellebrekers, and Amy Smith. “New Evidence for the Paleoindian Occupation of the Narragansett basin, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.” Current Research in the Pleistocene 28: 86-88.
Smith, Kevin P., William E. Engelbrecht, and John D. Holland. “Late Paleoindian Archaeology at the Eaton Site, Western New York.” Current Research in the Pleistocene 27: 142-145.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Evidence about Dress of Indigenous People: Canadian Territory.” In The Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: United States and Canada, Vol 3, edited by Phyllis G. Totora and Joanne B. Eicher, pp 18-26. Berg Publishers, Oxford.
Ólafsson, Guðmundur, Kevin P. Smith, and Thomas H. McGovern. “Surtshellir: A Fortified Outlaw Cave in West Iceland.” In The Viking Age: Ireland and the West (Proceedings of the Fifteenth Viking Congress, Cork, 2005), edited by John Sheehan and Donnachadh O’Corráin, pp. 283-297. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Anderson, Douglas D. Northern Archaic Tradition 40 Years Later: Comments. Arctic Anthropology 45(2):168-178. Madison.
Anderson, Douglas D. New Evidence for Southeast Asian Pleistocene Foraging Economies: Faunal Remains from the Early Levels of Lang Rongrien Rockshelter, Krabi, Thailand. Asian Perspectives 46 (2), pp. 298-332. Honolulu. (co-authored with Karen Mudar).
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Hides, Clay, Beads and Bear Teeth: Iroquoian Fashions.” In The St Lawrence Iroquois, Corn People, edited by Roland Tremblay, pp 78-79. Musée d’Archéologie Pointe-à-Callières en collaboration les Éditions de l’Homme; Montréal, Canada.
Ólafsson, Guðmundur, Thomas H. McGovern, and Kevin P. Smith. “Outlaws of Surtshellir Cave: The Underground Economy of Viking Age Iceland.” In Dynamics of Northern Societies (Publications of the National Museum of Denmark, Studies in Archaeology & History 10), edited by Jette Arneborg and Bjarne Grønnow, pp. 395-406. Copenhagen: SILA – the Greenland Research Centre and the National Museum of Denmark.
Anderson, Douglas D. Late Pleistocene and Early to Middle Holocene Use of Caves in Peninsular Thailand. Asian Perspectives Vol. 44(1), pp. 137-153.
Anderson, Douglas D. The Denbigh Flint Complex in Northwest Alaska: A Spatial Analysis. Alaska Journal of Anthropology Vol 3(2), pp. 81-100. Fairbanks.
Anderson, Douglas D. Arctic Woodland Culture, p. 148 in Encyclopedia of the Arctic (3 Volumes), edited by Nuttall, Mark. New York:Routledge.
Anderson, Douglas D. Birnirk Culture. Pp. 260-261 in Encyclopedia of the Arctic (3 Volumes), edited by Nuttall, Mark. New York:Routledge
Anderson, Douglas D. Choris Culture. P. 334 in Encyclopedia of the Arctic (3 Volumes), edited by Nuttall, Mark. New York:Routledge
Anderson, Douglas D. Giddings, James Louis. Pp. 732-733 in Encyclopedia of the Arctic (3 Volumes), edited by Nuttall, Mark. New York:Routledge
Anderson, Wanni W. The Dall Sheep Dinner Guest: Iñupiaq Narratives of Northwest Alaska. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Breaking the Mould, a re-evaluation of Viking Age Mould Making techniques for oval brooches.” In De Re Metallica: Studies in Medieval Metals (AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science, and Art, Volume 4), edited by Robert Bork et al, pp. 81-99. Ashgate Press, Aldershot, Hampshire UK.
Smith, Kevin P. “Ore, Fire, Hammer, Sickle: iron Production in Viking Age and Early Medieval Iceland.” In De Re Metallica: Studies in Medieval Metals (AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science, and Art, Volume 4), edited by Robert Bork et al., pp. 183-206. Ashgate Press, Aldershot, UK.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Conceal to reveal: Life, death, and engendered adornment in Viking Age Iceland.” In Un traducteur du passé, mélanges en homage à Norman Clermont, edited by Claude Chapdelaine and Pierre Corbeil. Paléo-Québec 31: 235-242.
Hayeur Smith, Michèle. “Dressing the dead: Gender, identity, and adornment in Viking-Age Iceland.” In Vinland Revisited, the Norse at the Turn of the First Millennium, Viking Millennium International Symposium, Sept.15-24, 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador, edited by S. Lewis-Simpson, pp. 227-240. Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, Inc., St. John's, Newfoundland.
Smith, Kevin P. “Patterns in Time and the Tempo of Change: A North Atlantic Perspective on the Evolution of Complex Societies.” In Continuity or Change: The Role of Analytical Scale in European Archaeology, edited by James Matthieu and Rachel Scott, pp. 83-99. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1261. Archaeopress, Oxford.